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Introducing Thorn Creek Insurance


Who are we?

Thorn Creek Insurance, based in Springfield, IL was founded in 2011 to provide farm and ag insurance for farms, ranches, agribusiness, and livestock insurance. The staff at Thorn Creek shares many years of insurance and farm experience, making us your farm insurance professionals.

Thorn Creek prides itself on industry knowledge in both the Farm and Ag world, but also the insurance world. This allows us to address all the moving parts of a farm operation and make sure your policies are tailored to your operation. Our partnership with the Swine Alliance Group allows us to constantly expand on that industry knowledge and stay up to speed on the hurdles facing our pork producers. Our partnership with Swine Alliance Group allows us to stay relevant in the pork world, and allows us to have some foresight into issues on the horizon.

Whether it is sow management, livestock marketing, farm insurance, financial and estate planning, confinement construction and remodel, biosecurity, veterinarian expertise, etc, Swine Alliance Group has a place on your farm. The partners in Swine Alliance share years of experience and industry knowledge to help producers.

What’s Going on in the Insurance World?

The farm and ag insurance industry is getting hit from multiple directions. Storm activity, inflation, claims history, etc. These are just a few of the variables effecting the insurance buying process. We’ve all heard it. “My rates went up!” or “Why isn’t my insurance company insuring swine confinements anymore? What am I supposed to do?” Thorn Creek is facing these battles head on and we are putting ourselves in a position to help. It’s no secret that farm insurance, especially for confinements, has become a tough hurdle for many. We are constantly evolving to keep up with the insurance challenges the pork industry is facing.

We understand there are other agents out there that handle farm insurance. Maybe your grandpa used the same company, and your dad. Your farm likely isn’t grandfather’s farm anymore. Your agent needs to be well versed in your farming operation to know how to protect it correctly. Our goal is to make sure you’re not exposed to major financial loss in the event of a claim.

We welcome an opportunity to visit your farm and review your policies and build a plan that works for you. Not sure if we’re a fit? Give us a call (217-503-41111) to chat with any of our agents at any time.

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